Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Full guide to Earn money by ADS clicking and Tricks



Star clicks is basically an ads clicking site . You can earn e money in here with many ways and there are many tricks to make your income to a high position.Also you can publish your business ads.

If you need more details
Click here

Major ways to Earn MONEY in the star clicks site...

  • ADS clicking
  • Using referral program
  • By publishing ads in your blog or site

So how can u trust this site... is in business since 2008, the business is verified by different authorities and vendors, such as Verisign, Norton Trust, UKTrustSeal and UK Companies House. You can find the links to these  vendors on the site.So that's how we can trust this site.

If you need more details


How to do the sign up section correctly...

  1. Go to
  2. Go to Sign up
  4. Fill all the Information (Fill with true details otherwise you account may be ban by admin)
  5. ENTER THE REFERRAL ID :50501896 and complete the sign up(This is my referral id, If you enter my referral id star clicks will pay 0.08$ to me.If you don't like its okay you can dismiss it)
  6. Click for the email verification in next page
  7. Go to your email and verify your star clicks site
  8. Go and sign in to your star clicks site
  9. Click on mobile verification tab and finish the mobile verification part.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Earn with Add clicks...

Sign up to star click

  1. Go to
  2. And goto sign up and select PUBLISHER Sign up
  3. Fill all  the details and ENTER MY REFFERAL ID : 50501896
  4. After that verify your email
  5. Then sign in
  6. Go to MOBILE VERIFICATION tab and verify your mobile 
**This is a perfect site to earn money by ads clicking every day you can earn money from this. If you upgrade to gold membership you can earn between 2$ and 5$ per day (There are many ways). In gold membership using ads clicking you can earn approx 1$ per day. **

If you are a picoworker and if you not get paid within 7 days put a comment in the blog with your task id (To get paid you must verify email and mobile) .

Full guide to Earn money by ADS clicking and Tricks

STAR-CLICKS Introduction... Star clicks is basically an ads clicking site . You can earn e money in here with many ways and ther...